I came across this little piece of secretly kept necklace, because I certainly didn't know about it and I thought I would blog it as I am true born and bread Brixton doll, known for it's well established market, Ritzy cinema & the place where music never dies - Brixton Academy (pictured above is Florence and the Machine at the Academy)! A place of heritage and many stories which are illustrated through the 'writings on the wall'...You gotta lav it!
Science reports show I am unable to be cloned! Currently in the Lab cooking up something befitting of Extraordinaire! Open Diary/Live Magazine of a Former Fashion PR Junior Account Executive, Fashion Designer, writer, Visionarian (Imagery), creative director and innovator. I don't necessarily write on what's in trend & in magazines, (Fashion should be personal not commercial) I write about what beats my drum/s, which usually is art, photography, fashion, culture, music and style....this is RAW, virgin, chemically unprocessed fashion, creativity on a platter! Call me deviant but CONFORMITY IS A JAILER!
I Aim: To continuously recreate creativity!
..............Noughts & Crosses..............
2. a raised gangway extending into an auditorium, normally used for fashion shows.
1. the letters or characters used in writing by hand; handwriting especially cursive writing.
2. a manuscript or document.
Rummage Around Runway Script
Runway Script Fan Page
Blog Archive
Having faith when things are going well is easy, having faith when the sh•t hits the fan shows how much u really have! Focus on the plan rather than put so much energy into the distractions!
"The moment blogging becomes “all about the money” you’re merely a slave to a corporate structure..... Whatever happened to genuinely writing for an audience interested in what you have to say or photograph?" Grechen
You may not like me but Jesus thinks I'm to die for!
Women's daily prayer: "Armani, which art in Hermes, hallowed be thy Gucci. Thy Cartier watch, thy Prada bag, on Rodeo, as it is in Tiffany's. Give us this day our Gold MasterCard and forgive us our overdraft as we forgive those who decline our Visa, lead us not into Top Shop and deliver us from Primark. And to pay for it all..., this we ask on this day ...Ah MEN!".....lol
Lav Lav Lav
Fashion is not about utility, an accessory is merely a piece of iconography used to express individual identity.
Fashion should be personal and not according to 'trends', it should be a true representation of who you are!
Life Learnt
"Excuses are tools of incompetence used to build monuments of nothingness. Those who use them seldom amount to anything?" Stephen Grayhm.
Life Taught
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder...." Thoreau
Creativity always seems to be birthed in Brixton, I'm relocating!!