Wednesday 10 February 2010

OK ....we got new neighbours....C-HAB???

OK OK OK....i know your thinking who or what the hell C-HAB is? well is stands for creative habitat in case you were wondering. Founded by a bunch of friends in 2008. It bases its foundation on the fact that there is till difficulty today in the UK in terms of social networking and basically building up your own contact list, in what is seemed currently as a fragmented creative market. C-HAB is for creatives and that is anyone ranging from architects to artists, bringing them all together in one habitat. So they create a resource centre whereby other creatives can refer to whether you just want to create social links or just to show your work as a means of promotion, which is uber cool right? Explains why they also refer to themselves as a HUB. Im sure this will not be the last you'll hear from then.

Check them out on facebook C-HAB
new website.....
blog page.........
Now you cant say I didn't give you any information,

Get involved, its a platform for all your wobbly heads out there who love creativity.

Remember where you heard it first and remember sharing is caring!
Till next time....cheerio
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